Configuring garak

Beyond the standard CLI options, garak is highly configurable. You can use YAML files to configure a garak run, down to the level of exactly how each plugin behaves.

Specifying custom configuration

Garak can be configured in multiple ways:

  • Via command-line parameters

  • Using YAML configs

  • Through specifying JSON on the command line

The easiest way is often to use a YAML config, and how to do that is described below.

Garak’s config hierarchy

Configuration values can come from multiple places. At garak load, the _config module manages parsing configuration. This includes determining the priority of which values go where. The hierarchy is as follows:

  1. Values given at the command line

  2. Config values given in a YAML file passed via --config

  3. Values in a YAML site config,, placed in the config directory (XDG_CONFIG_DIR, which is ~/.config/garak/ on Linux; see XDG spec for details)

  4. Fixed values kept in the garak core config - don’t edit this. Package updates will overwrite it, and you might break your garak install. It’s in garak/resources if you want to take a look.

  5. Default values specified in plugin code

Config YAML

Let’s take a look at the core config.

    verbose: 0
    narrow_output: false
    parallel_requests: false
    parallel_attempts: false
    lite: true
    show_z: false

    deprefix: true
    eval_threshold: 0.5
    generations: 5

    probe_spec: all
    detector_spec: auto
    extended_detectors: false
    buffs_include_original_prompt: false
    detectors: {}
    generators: {}
    buffs: {}
    harnesses: {}
                - default

    report_dir: garak_runs
    show_100_pass_modules: true

Here we can see many entries that correspond to command line options, such as model_name and model_type, as well as some entried not exposed via CLI such as show_100_pass_modules.

system config items

  • parallel_requests - For generators not supporting multiple responses per prompt: how many requests to send in parallel with the same prompt? (raising parallel_attempts generally yields higher performance, depending on how high generations is set)

  • parallel_attempts - For parallelisable generators, how many attempts should be run in parallel? Raising this is a great way of speeding up garak runs for API-based models

  • lite - Should we display a caution message that the run might not give very thorough results?

  • verbose - Degree of verbosity (values above 0 are experimental, the report & log are authoritative)

  • narrow_output - Support output on narrower CLIs

  • show_z - Display Z-scores and visual indicators on CLI. It’s good, but may be too much info until one has seen garak run a couple of times

run config items

  • probe_tags - If given, the probe selection is filtered according to these tags; probes that don’t match the tags are not selected

  • generations - How many times to send each prompt for inference

  • deprefix - Remove the prompt from the start of the output (some models return the prompt as part of their output)

  • seed - An optional random seed

  • eval_threshold - At what point in the 0..1 range output by detectors does a result count as a successful attack / hit

plugins config items

  • model_type - The generator model type, e.g. “nim” or “huggingface”

  • model_name - The name of the model to be used (optional - if blank, type-specific default is used)

  • probe_spec - A comma-separated list of probe modules or probe classnames (in module.classname) format to be used. If a module is given, only active plugin in that module are chosen, this is equivalent to passing -p to the CLI

  • detector_spec - An optional spec of detectors to be used, if overriding those recommended in probes. Specifying detector_spec means the pxd harness will be used. This is equivalent to passing -d to the CLI

  • extended_detectors - Should just the primary detector be used per probe, or should the extended detectors also be run? The former is fast, the latter thorough.

  • buff_spec - Comma-separated list of buffs and buff modules to use; same format as probe_spec.

  • buffs_include_original_prompt - When buffing, should the original pre-buff prompt still be included in those posed to the model?

  • buff_max - Upper bound on how many items a buff should return

  • detectors - Root node for detector plugin configs

  • generators - Root note for generator plugin configs

  • buffs - Root note for buff plugin configs

  • harnesses - Root note for harness plugin configs

  • probes - Root note for probe plugin configs

For an example of how to use the detectors, generators, buffs, harnesses, and probes root entries, see Configuring plugins with YAML below.

reporting config items

  • report_dir - Directory for reporting; defaults to $XDG_DATA/garak/garak_runs

  • report_prefix - Prefix for report files. Defaults to garak.$RUN_UUID

  • taxonomy - Which taxonomy to use to group probes when creating HTML report

  • show_100_pass_modules - Should entries scoring 100% still be detailed in the HTML report?

Bundled quick configs

Garak comes bundled with some quick configs that can be loaded directly using --config. These don’t need the .yml extension when being requested. They include:

  • broad - Run all active probes, just once each, for a rapid broad test

  • fast - Go through a selection of light probes; skip extended detectors

  • full - Select many probes, and multiple payloads; use a paraphrase buff to get multiple variations on each prompt

  • long_attack_gen - Focus on atkgen, with many generations, to give a higher chance of breaking through (i.e. yielding toxicity)

  • notox - Scan without any toxicity-inducing probes

  • tox_and_buffs - Go through toxicity & slur probes, using only relevant payloads, and a fast paraphraser

These are great places to look at to get an idea of how garak YAML configs can look. Quick configs are stored under garak/configs/ in the source code/install.

Using a custom config

To override values in this we can create a new YAML file and point to it from the command line using --config. For example, to select just latentinjection probes and run each prompt just once:

    generations: 1

    probe_spec: latentinjection

If we save this as latent1.yaml somewhere, then we can use it with garak --config latent1.yaml.

Using a custom JSON config

Some plugins can take a JSON config specified on the command line. This config has the same structure as a YAML config, starting with the plugin model/type. The config can either be written to a file and the path passed, with –generator_option_file or –probe_option_file, or directly as JSON on the command prompt, with –generator_options or –probe_options. An example is given in RestGenerator Config with JSON below.

Configuring Plugins

Garak’s functions are through its plugins. Most parts of garak are plugins, like the probes and detectors that do the actual examination of the target, the generators that interface with models, and even the harnesses that manage run orchestration. Each plugin is a class that has both descriptive and configurable parameters.

Viewing plugin parameters

You can see the parameters for any given plugin using garak --plugin_info.

$ python -m garak --plugin_info probes.grandma.Win10
garak LLM vulnerability scanner v0.9.0.16.post1 ( ) at 2024-09-11T11:54:07.215242
Configured info on probes.grandma.Win10:
                        description: Will the model yield a Windows 10 product key if we beg it to?
                     DEFAULT_PARAMS: {'generations': 1}
                             active: True
                              bcp47: en
                 extended_detectors: ['mitigation.MitigationBypass']
                               goal: get model to output Win 10 product keys
                           modality: {'in': ['text']}
            parallelisable_attempts: True
                   primary_detector: productkey.Win5x5
                               tags: ['avid-effect:security:S0300', 'owasp:llm06', 'risk-cards:lmrc:providing_illegal_info', 'quality:Behavioral:ContentSafety:LegalGoodsServices']
                           mod_time: 2024-07-01 04:16:40 +0000

Here, we see a list of the descriptive parameters of the plugin. We can see a link to documentation about it, which detectors it uses, tags describing the probe in various typologies, which languages and modalities it supports, and more.

We can also see a DEFAULT_PARAMS entry. This is a dictionary containing configurable parameters for this plugin. In this case, there’s a generations parameter set to 1; this is the default value for probes, but is often overridden at run time by the CLI setup.

At plugin load, the plugin instance has attributes named in DEFAULT_PARAMS automatically created, and populated with either values given in the supplied config, or the default.

Configuring plugins with YAML

Plugin config happens inside the plugins block. Multiple plugins can be configured in the same YAML. Descend through this specifying plugin type, model, and optionally class, and set variables in the end. These will then be loaded as the plugin’s DEFAULT_PARAMS attribute is parsed and used to populate instance attributes.

Here’s an example of setting the temperature on an OpenAIGenerator:

                temperature: 1.0

As noted the class is optional, if the configuration defines keys at the module level these will be applied to the instance and can be overridden by the class level. Here is an example that is equivalent to the configuration above:

Example: RestGenerator

RestGenerator is a slightly complex generator, though mostly because it exposes so many config values, allowing flexible integrations. This example sets model_type: rest to ensure that this model is selected for the run; that might not always be wanted, and it isn’t compulsory.

RestGenerator with YAML

    model_type: rest
                key_env_var: EXAMPLE_KEY
                headers: Authentication: $KEY
                response_json_field: text
                request_timeout: 60

This defines a REST endpoint where:

  • The URI is

  • The API key can be found in the EXAMPLE_KEY environment variable’s value (if unspecified, REST_API_KEY is checked)

  • The HTTP header "Authentication:" should be sent in every request, with the API key as its parameter

  • The output is JSON and the top-level field text holds the model’s response

  • Wait up to 60 seconds before timing out (the generator will backoff and retry when this is reached)

RestGenerator config with JSON

    "rest": {
        "RestGenerator": {
            "name": "example service",
            "uri": "",
            "method": "post",
            "headers": {
                "X-Authorization": "$KEY"
            "req_template_json_object": {
                "text": "$INPUT"
            "response_json": true,
            "response_json_field": "text"

This defines a REST endpoint where:

  • The URI is

  • We’ll use HTTP POST on requests

  • The HTTP header "X-Authorization:" should be sent in every request, with the API key as its parameter

  • The request template is to be a JSON dict with one key, text, holding the prompt

  • The output is JSON and the top-level field text holds the model’s response

This should be written to a file, and the file’s path passed on the command line with -G.

Configuration in code

The preferred way to instantiate a plugin is using garak._plugins.load_plugin(). This function takes two parameters:

  • name, the plugin’s package, module, and class - e.g. generator.test.Lipsum

  • (optional) config_root, either garak._config or a dictionary of a config, beginning at a top-level plugin type.

load_plugin() returns a configured instance of the requested plugin.

>>> import garak._plugins
>>> c = {"generators":{"openai":{"OpenAIGenerator":{"seed":30,"name":"gpt-4"}}}}
>>> garak._plugins.load_plugin("generators.openai.OpenAIGenerator", config_root=c)
🦜 loading generator: OpenAI: gpt-4
<garak.generators.openai.OpenAIGenerator object at 0x71bc97693d70>