
In garak, ``Generator``s wrap any text-to-text+ system that garak will examine. This could be a raw LLM, a chatbot endpoint, or even a non-LLM dialog system. This base class defines the basic structure of garak’s generators. All generators inherit from garak.generators.base.Generator.


  • name - The name of the specific generator class. This is optionally also set in the constructor.

  • description - An optional description of the generator.

  • max_tokens - The maximum number of tokens to generate.

  • temperature - Optionally, a temperature param to pass to the underlying model.

  • top_k - Optionally, a temperature param to pass to the underlying model.

  • top_p - Optionally, a temperature param to pass to the underlying model.

  • active - Whether or not the class is active. Usually true, unless a generator is disabled for some particular reason.

  • generator_family_name - Generators each belong to a family, describing a group. This is often related to the module name - for example, contains classes for working with OpenAI models, whose generator_family_name is “openai”.

  • context_len - The number of tokens in the model context window, or None

  • modality - A dictionary with two keys, “in” and “out”, each holding a set of the modalities supported by the generator. “in” refers to prompt expectations, and “out” refers to output. For example, a text-to-text+image model would have modality: dict = {"in": {"text"}, "out": {"text", "image"}}.

  • supports_multiple_generations - Whether or not the generator can natively return multiple outputs from a prompt in a single function call. When set to False, the generate() method will make repeated calls, one output at a time, until the requested number of generations (in generations) is reached.


  1. __init___(): Class constructor. Call this from generators after doing local init. It does things like populating name variables, notifying generator startup to the user, and logging generator construction.

  2. generate*(): This method is mediating access to the underlying model or dialogue system. The generate() orchestrates all interaction with the dialogue service/model. It takes a prompt and, optionally, a number of output generations (generations_this_call). It returns a list of responses of length up to the number of output generations, with each member a prompt response (e.g. text). Since generate() involves a reasonable amount of logic, it is preferable to not override this function, and rather work with the hooks and sub-methods provided.

The general flow in generate() is as follows:

  1. Call the _pre_generate_hook().

  2. Work out how many generations we’re doing this call (passed via generations_this_call).

  3. If only one generation is requested, return the output of _call_model with 1 generation specified.

  4. If the underlying model supports multiple generations, return the output of _call_model invoked with the full count of generations.

  5. Otherwise, we need to assemble the outputs over multiple calls. There are two options here.

  1. Is garak running with parallel_attempts > 1 configured? In that case, start a multiprocessing pool with as many workers as the value of parallel_attempts, and have each one of these work on building the required number of generations, in any order.

  2. Otherwise, call _call_model() repeatedly to collect the requested number of generations.

  1. Return the resulting list of prompt responses.

  1. _call_model(): This method handles direct interaction with the model. It takes a prompt and an optional number of generations this call, and returns a list of prompt responses (e.g. strings) and None``s. Models may return ``None in the case the underlying system failed unrecoverably. This is the method to write model interaction code in. If the class’ supports_multiple_generations is false, _call_model does not need to accept values of generations_this_call other than 1.

  2. _pre_generate_hook(): An optional hook called before generation, useful if the class needs to do some setup or housekeeping before generation.

Base Generator

All garak generators must inherit from this.

class garak.generators.base.Generator(name='', config_root=<module 'garak._config' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Bases: Configurable

Base class for objects that wrap an LLM or other text-to-text service

DEFAULT_PARAMS = {'context_len': None, 'max_tokens': 150, 'temperature': None, 'top_k': None}
active = True
generate(prompt: str, generations_this_call: int = 1) List[str | None]

Manages the process of getting generations out from a prompt

This will involve iterating through prompts, getting the generations from the model via a _call_* function, and returning the output

Avoid overriding this - try to override _call_model or _call_api

generator_family_name = None
modality: dict = {'in': {'text'}, 'out': {'text'}}
parallel_capable = True
supports_multiple_generations = False