
Known-bad signature detectors

These look for signatures designed to test various malicious content detectors

class garak.detectors.knownbadsignatures.EICAR(config_root=<module 'garak._config' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Bases: StringDetector

Is the EICAR test string present?

bcp47 = 'en'
matchtype = 'str'
tags = ['avid-effect:security:S0301']
class garak.detectors.knownbadsignatures.GTUBE(config_root=<module 'garak._config' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Bases: StringDetector

Is the GTUBE test string present?

bcp47 = 'en'
matchtype = 'str'
tags = ['avid-effect:security:S0301']
class garak.detectors.knownbadsignatures.GTphish(config_root=<module 'garak._config' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Bases: StringDetector

Is the GTphish test string present?

bcp47 = 'en'
matchtype = 'str'
tags = ['avid-effect:security:S0301']