
Buff that paraphrases a prompt.

class garak.buffs.paraphrase.Fast(config_root=<module 'garak._config' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Bases: Buff, HFCompatible

CPU-friendly paraphrase buff based on Humarin’s T5 paraphraser

DEFAULT_PARAMS = {'hf_args': {'device': 'cpu', 'torch_dtype': 'float32'}, 'para_model_name': 'garak-llm/chatgpt_paraphraser_on_T5_base'}
bcp47 = 'en'
doc_uri = ''
transform(attempt: Attempt) Iterable[Attempt]

attempt copying is handled elsewhere. isn’t that nice

class garak.buffs.paraphrase.PegasusT5(config_root=<module 'garak._config' from '/home/docs/checkouts/'>)

Bases: Buff, HFCompatible

Paraphrasing buff using Pegasus model

DEFAULT_PARAMS = {'hf_args': {'device': 'cpu', 'trust_remote_code': False}, 'max_length': 60, 'para_model_name': 'garak-llm/pegasus_paraphrase', 'temperature': 1.5}
bcp47 = 'en'
doc_uri = ''
transform(attempt: Attempt) Iterable[Attempt]

attempt copying is handled elsewhere. isn’t that nice